Pourquoi Emir Veut Ciri ?

L’essentiel et les points à retenir :

  • Emhyr var Emreis veut Ciri en raison de sa lignée sanguine royale et de son potentiel pour influencer le destin politique de Nilfgaard.
  • La protection de Ciri par Geralt et Yennefer est cruciale, car des personnages puissants comme Emhyr var Emreis cherchent à la contrôler pour leurs propres intérêts politiques.
  • Emhyr var Emreis a un passé tragique, ayant été torturé et transformé en hérisson par des mages sous les ordres du usurpateur, ce qui a forgé sa détermination à regagner le pouvoir et à retrouver Ciri.
  • La quête de Ciri par Emhyr var Emreis est motivée par sa volonté de restaurer sa légitimité en tant qu’empereur de Nilfgaard et de consolider sa position politique en utilisant le lien familial avec Ciri.

The Witcher’s Emhyr var Emreis’ Backstory

Emhyr var Emries is the son of Fergus var Emreis, emperor of Nilfgaard, who at one point was overthrown by a group of aristocrats led by a mysterious character only known as the Usurper. Fergus was tortured by the Usurper as he wanted the emperor to grant legitimacy to the coup, but when Fergus refused, the Usurper decided to use other ways to try and break him. The Usurper had his mages (led by Nilfgaardian sorcerer, Braathens) torture then 13-year-old Emhyr, but not even seeing his son in pain could break Fergus, which then led the Usurper to murder him. Emhyr’s torture continued and Braathens turned the young heir into a humanoid hedgehog, in part as a joke as “Eimyr” in Nilfgaardian dialect means “urcheon”, an old name for “hedgehog”. Emhyr was then released into the woods with dogs going after him, but he survived and learned there was a flaw in Braathens’ curse, as every night he regained his human form. Emhyr was helped by a few acquaintances and hid at Ardal aep Dahy’s place until he was finally able to escape beyond the borders.

 Emhyr var Emries is the son of Fergus var Emreis, emperor of Nilfgaard, who at one point was overthrown by a group of aristocrats led by a mysterious character only known as the Usurper. Fergus was tortured by the Usurper as he wanted the emperor to grant legitimacy to the coup, but when Fergus refused, the Usurper decided to use other ways to try and break him. The Usurper had his mages (led by Nilfgaardian sorcerer, Braathens) torture then 13-year-old Emhyr, but not even seeing his son in pain could break Fergus, which then led the Usurper to murder him. Emhyr’s torture continued and Braathens turned the young heir into a humanoid hedgehog, in part as a joke as “Eimyr” in Nilfgaardian dialect means “urcheon”, an old name for “hedgehog”. Emhyr was then released into the woods with dogs going after him, but he survived and learned there was a flaw in Braathens’ curse, as every night he regained his human form. Emhyr was helped by a few acquaintances and hid at Ardal aep Dahy’s place until he was finally able to escape beyond the borders.

Thankfully for Ciri, she has the protection of Geralt and Yennefer as Sigismund Dijkstra, Philippa Eilhart, and now Emhyr var Emreis will all be hunting her down. But what exactly does Emhyr want with Ciri and what is their relationship to each other?

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What Is Emhyr’s Relationship To Ciri?

Bart Edwards portrays Duny, who we now know is Emhyr van Emreis, the emperor of Nilfgaard and father to Ciri. This explains why Emhyr is also joining the battle to find Ciri, as she is his own daughter.

How is the Emhyr reveal different in the books?

When it comes to Emhyr, the show has been very faithful to the books so far. There is one major deviation, however, and that’s when Emhyr’s true identity is revealed. In the books, we only learn Emhyr is Ciri’s father at the very end of the final novel, The Lady of the Lake. That means for nearly five novels and almost 2,000 pages, readers thought Emhyr was your run-of-the-mill fantasy villain who wanted Ciri to legitimize his claim to the Cintran throne and leverage her powers for personal gain. Learning at the last hour that his motivations and identity were far different and more complex than they were previously led to believe resulted in severe whiplash for readers, as they had to quickly readjust their assessment of Emhyr only for his arc — and the book series — to end before this revelation could be fully processed. It didn’t help that the Witcher Saga novels concluded with Ciri never learning Emhyr was her father, leaving a major narrative thread unresolved.

By the end of Season 3, Emhyr has Ciri (even though it’s a fake one). The show still hasn’t confirmed whether or not he really wants to marry her, but considering everything, things could very well be on that path. The show is known to deviate from the books, so Emhyr’s intentions might change and could be more focused on getting Ciri’s powers. However, it looks like marrying his daughter could still be on the agenda for now.Read More: Why Does Vilgefortz Bring Fake Ciri to Emhyr?

What Is Emhyr’s Relationship To Ciri?

Bart Edwards plays Duny, who is now known to be Emhyr van Emreis, the emperor of Nilfgaard and Ciri’s father. This explains why Emhyr joins the search for Ciri since she is his own daughter. Duny was first introduced in The Witcher Season 1, when he was believed to have drowned. However, it’s apparent that he is alive and well, now known as Emhyr van Emreis, ruler of Nilfgaard. He became entangled in a covert relationship with Pavetta, who we all know is Ciri’s mother.Details on what occurred to Duny between his supposed death and the reveal of Emhyr will likely be revealed in Season 3 of The Witcher.


‘The Witcher’: Will the Netflix Series Explore the Horrid Reason Why Emhyr Wants Ciri Back?

‘The Witcher’ Season 2 dramatically revealed the true identity of the Emhyr, the White Flame. The Nilfgaard emperor is after Ciri for nefarious and horrid reasons based on Ithlinne’s prophecy. Published on February 12, 2023

To understand why the elves are so interested in Ciri, it’s important to know their history. Elves had lived in relative peace until the Conjunction of the Spheres. The consequences of the Spheres conjoining is that monsters walked the earth freely. That also meant that humans and elves started to mix. The elves first embraced the humans as friends. But it wasn’t long before humans decided to wipe out the elves just because they looked different from them (via Polygon).

Published on December 17, 2021 The Witcher Season 2 has fleshed out almost every question fans had in the first season. The season finale finally reveals the key to Ciri and why Nilfgaard was adamant about finding her. Emperor Emhyr Var Emreis remained a mysterious and unseen character throughout The Witcher Season 1 and The Witcher Season 2. But fans get the jaw-dropping truth to who he is and how it drastically changes the tide of the storyline.[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for The Witcher Season 2.]

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