Pourquoi Geralt Protège Ciri ?

L’essentiel et les points à retenir :

  • Geralt protège Ciri car il l’aime comme sa propre fille, contrairement à la relation entre Duny et Pavetta.
  • Geralt a décidé de protéger Ciri après avoir réalisé que l’Empire Nilfgaardien attaquerait Cintra et qu’elle serait en danger.
  • La relation entre Geralt et Ciri est basée sur l’amour paternel de Geralt envers la jeune fille, ce qui le pousse à risquer sa vie pour la protéger.

Netflix’s breakout series The Witcher, based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s series of novels and short stories, harbors an intensively detailed plot and intricate relationships. The focal point of the first season is Geralt’s hunt for Ciri, which may be tough to grasp for some viewers, given the show’s non-linear timeline. Moreover, various scenes and personalities are adapted for the screen. WARNING: Book Spoilers! RELATED: This Witcher Character Could’ve Saved Season 1’s Confusing Timeline

 Netflix's breakout series The Witcher, based on Andrzej Sapkowski's series of novels and short stories, harbors an intensively detailed plot and intricate relationships. The focal point of the first season is Geralt's hunt for Ciri, which may be tough to grasp for some viewers, given the show's non-linear timeline. Moreover, various scenes and personalities are adapted for the screen. WARNING: Book Spoilers! RELATED: This Witcher Character Could’ve Saved Season 1’s Confusing Timeline

After Geralt finally meets Ciri, he treats her like his own daughter. This was unlike the relationship between Duny and Pavetta when Duny fell in love with his child of surprise. In Geralt’s case, he loved Ciri like his own daughter, so he was willing to risk everything to protect her.

How did Geralt and Ciri end up traveling together?

During the events of season 1 of ‘The Witcher,’ Geralt realized that the Nilfgaardian Empire was on its way to attack Cintra. He understood that Cintra had no chance against the large force that Nilfgaard sent, so he went to Cintra to try to claim Ciri as his child of surprise.

During the events of season 1 of ‘The Witcher,’ Geralt realized that the Nilfgaardian Empire was on its way to attack Cintra. He understood that Cintra had no chance against the large force that Nilfgaard sent, so he went to Cintra to try to claim Ciri as his child of surprise.

The Witcher ending recap(Image credit: Netflix)

Our three protagonists, Ciri, Geralt, and Yennefer, are the closest they’ve ever been to each other in terms of proximity. Ciri has been taken in by a woman in a homestead close to Sodden and the Yaruga River, while Geralt is delirious nearby after being bitten by a monster. Meanwhile, Yennefer, Tissaia, and Triss are tasked with defending the Sodden keep that leads to the North from the onrushing Nilfgaard army.

Note: This article contains spoilers for the second season of Netflix’s “The Witcher.”“The Witcher,” Netflix’s fan-favorite fantasy show starring Henry Cavill as a brooding monster hunter, returned for its second season Friday, and, once again, everyone is talking about Geralt of Rivia.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt stands as a titan in the realm of role-playing games, known for its deep narrative, complex characters, and immersive world. Central to its narrative are Geralt of Rivia, the seasoned Witcher, and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, more commonly known as Ciri. Their relationship forms the emotional core of the game, offering a nuanced exploration of familial bonds set against a backdrop of fantasy and adventure. This article delves into the intricacies of Geralt and Ciri’s relationship, uncovering the layers that make it a compelling aspect of The Witcher 3.

Geralt and Ciri do not fall in love with one another. That’s because Geralt sees Ciri as the daughter he never had, and Ciri sees Geralt as the father that she thought she had lost a long time ago. Their relationship is more like a father-daughter relationship, even though they aren’t related.

Geralt, of course, was granted wardship over Ciri when he invoked the Law of Surprise after saving her father’s life. When war destroys Ciri’s kingdom and leads to her grandmother dying from injuries sustained in battle, the young girl sets off to find Geralt on her late grandmother’s wishes, but the journey to find him isn’t as quick or easy she probably hoped. Ciri is forced to grow up and deal with a lot of danger and turmoil in a short amount of time, so when she finally (accidentally) comes upon Geralt, she’s already a very different person than she had been.

Geralt: Not Ciri’s Biological Father Image Credit: Susie Allnutt/ Netflix

Geralt serves as a father figure to Ciri, but he is not her biological father. They are connected by the Law of Surprise, which Geralt claimed before Ciri was born. The events that tied together their destiny unfolded during a banquet at Cintra hosted by Queen Calanthe. The rulers of several kingdoms showed up to ask for her daughter Pavetta’s hand in marriage. Duny was one of them.

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