Est-Ce Que Yennefer Aime Geralt ?

L’essentiel et les points à retenir :

  • Yennefer aime réellement Geralt dans l’univers de The Witcher, comme le montre sa relation avec lui dans le jeu Witcher 3 et dans la série.
  • La relation entre Yennefer et Geralt évolue de la méfiance à des déclarations d’amour dans la saison 3 de The Witcher, selon Anya Chalotra, l’actrice qui incarne Yennefer.
  • La magie joue un rôle crucial dans la relation entre Yennefer et Geralt, notamment à travers le sort d’un djinn qui les lie et que Yennefer parvient à supprimer, montrant ainsi ses véritables sentiments pour Geralt.
  • Anya Chalotra, l’actrice qui incarne Yennefer, souligne l’importance de la relation entre son personnage et celui de Geralt, et loue le soutien de Henry Cavill, l’acteur qui joue Geralt.
  • La relation entre Yennefer et Geralt est influencée par les différentes sources de l’univers de The Witcher, que ce soit les livres, les jeux ou la série, offrant ainsi une compréhension plus complète de leur couple.

Netflix found great success with The Witcher as 76 million people watched the first season, but as some viewers were neither familiar with the book or games on which the series is based, Geralt and Yennefer’s relationship left much to be explained. What is interesting here is that because the story of The Witcher universe takes place in show, book, and game, there is information to glean from each medium that contributes to understanding how the pair are as a couple.

 Netflix found great success with The Witcher as 76 million people watched the first season, but as some viewers were neither familiar with the book or games on which the series is based, Geralt and Yennefer’s relationship left much to be explained. What is interesting here is that because the story of The Witcher universe takes place in show, book, and game, there is information to glean from each medium that contributes to understanding how the pair are as a couple.
2 Jeux: Il y a une preuve que le yen aime réellement Geralt

Dans Witcher 3 et dans l’émission, Geralt et Yennefer sont liés ensemble à cause du sort d’un djinn. Au cours de la quête The Last Wish dans le jeu, ils parviennent à supprimer la magie qui les relie, et après, Yennefer aime toujours Geralt. Cela montre que la magie du djinn n’avait rien à voir avec ce qu’elle ressentait.


  • Anya Chalotra explains Yennefer’s relationship with Geralt in The Witcher season 3, from mistrust to declarations of love.
  • Chalotra says: « It was quite easy and fun this season because we kind of knew where we were headed a bit more. There was a greater purpose for us both. »
  • Chalotra praises Henry Cavill’s support and their strong bond over the past five years of working together.

The Witcher star Anya Chalotra explains Yennefer’s relationship to Henry Cavill’s Geralt in season 3. In the role of Yennefer, Chalotra is crucial to The Witcher. With the help of magic, her character is transformed into the most beautiful woman in all the land. Early on in the fantasy series, Yennefer uses this power as a way of moving among the higher class, but it also brings her closer to Geralt in a relationship that has had its considerable ups and downs.

Summary   Anya Chalotra explains Yennefer's relationship with Geralt in The Witcher season 3, from mistrust to declarations of love.   Chalotra says: "It was quite easy and fun this season because we kind of knew where we were headed a bit more. There was a greater purpose for us both."   Chalotra praises Henry Cavill's support and their strong bond over the past five years of working together.    The Witcher star Anya Chalotra explains Yennefer's relationship to Henry Cavill's Geralt in season 3. In the role of Yennefer, Chalotra is crucial to The Witcher. With the help of magic, her character is transformed into the most beautiful woman in all the land. Early on in the fantasy series, Yennefer uses this power as a way of moving among the higher class, but it also brings her closer to Geralt in a relationship that has had its considerable ups and downs.

Unless that’s what he asked for.

Doesn’t Need Him: She’s Powerful On Her Own

In terms of taking care of herself though, Yennefer doesn’t actually need Geralt. She’s been alive for a long time and ever since leaving her training as a sorceress and ascending, she’s made her independence blatantly obvious. Yennefer is a woman who can take of herself and despite Geralt insisting that she, « doesn’t always have to, » she seems to want to do it — and there’s nothing wrong with being unwilling to rely on a man.

Cavill’s season-three arc saw his character transformed, but he wasn’t the only one.In an exclusive interview with Digital Spy, Chalotra breaks down the surprising healing journey for her character Yennefer, what it was like working with Cavill and her hopes for on-screen chemistry with Liam Hemsworth in Witcher season four. This season you got to explore Yennefer’s relationship with Geralt and take it to extreme emotional heights. You went from a place of mistrust and guilt to « I love you » to « I need you ». What was it like to work with Henry on building that relationship, layer by layer?

© Netflix

Interrogée par Digital Spy (via ScreenRant) avant la grève des acteurs, Anya Chalotra nous explique plus longuement la relation que tissent Yennefer et Geralt de Riv.À lire aussi : The Witcher, saison 3 : les audiences s’effondrent, le départ d’Henry Cavill fait des dégâts

« Tout comme nous avons vu Geralt et Ciri se lier au début de la saison 2 et apprendre à se faire confiance, il y aura ce même voyage pour Yen et Geralt. » Ils se sont retrouvés au milieu de la saison 2. Et le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que l’amour n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille pour Yennefer et Geralt. Alors comment va évoluer leur relation dans la saison 3 de The Witcher ? Attention spoilers !En attendant, dans les derniers instants du final, le couple se retrouve autour de Ciri, qu’ils vont manifestement protéger et entraîner ensemble. Comme une famille.

La deuxième saison de The Witcher ne sera disponible sur Netflix qu’à partir du vendredi 17 décembre. Mais la plateforme fait déjà grimper la température et le suspense en dévoilant un nouveau trailer mettant en avant l’histoire d’amour entre Geralt et Yennefer. Une idylle au centre de la saison 2 ?La suite sous cette publicité

This healing magic, thus, can be seen as an act of channeling the Form of Health into Geralt, bridging the chasm between the imperfect physical world (the wounded Geralt) and the pure, ideal world of Forms (the healthy Geralt). In Platonic terms, Yennefer is the philosopher-sorceress, using her understanding of the Forms to bring about a higher state of order and health in Geralt’s world.

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