Scott Newman, Vice-Président Exécutif chez State Street Bank International en Pologne : Responsabilités et Croissance

L’essentiel et les points à retenir :

  • Scott Newman est le Vice-Président Exécutif et le responsable de State Street Bank International en Pologne, avec des bureaux à Cracovie et à Gdansk.
  • Il est membre du Groupe d’exploitation exécutif et du Conseil des talents de State Street, et préside le Conseil de gouvernance de la succursale.
  • Scott est responsable de la gestion de plus de 6 500 employés et de la prestation de services à plus de 200 clients internationaux.
  • En tant que Vice-Président Exécutif, il est chargé de superviser les opérations de services d’actifs, les fonctions d’entreprise, la stratégie et la gouvernance des entités juridiques.
  • Scott Newman possède une vaste expérience dans les services financiers, la gestion de fonds et la gestion de projets, et a participé au sommet ABSL Pologne sur les services financiers et la croissance future.
  • En tant que responsable de la succursale de State Street Bank International GmbH en Pologne, il dirige l’équipe de direction locale, stimule le développement des affaires et assure la gouvernance.

Scott Newman, Executive Vice President at State Street Bank International, Poland

Scott Newman, Vice-Président Exécutif chez State Street Bank International en Pologne : Responsabilités et Croissance

Scott Newman is the executive vice president and head of State Street Bank International in Poland, with offices in Krakow and Gdansk. He also holds positions on State Street’s Executive Operating Group and Talent Council. In his current capacity, Scott oversees various asset servicing operations, corporate functions, strategy, and legal entity governance.

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Position Responsibilities Experience
Executive Vice President Head of State Street Bank International, Poland More than 15 years in Banking and Financial Services
Member of State Street’s Executive Operating Group and Talent Council
Chairman of Branch Governance Board
Responsible for 6,500 employees and service delivery to over 200 international clients
Branch Manager & Board Member State Street Bank GmbH Poland Branch Expertise in Custody, Fund Accounting, and Project Management
Senior Vice President Managing Director of State Street Bank GmbH Poland Branch
Participated in ABSL Poland Summit regarding financial services and future growth

Responsibilities of Scott Newman at State Street Bank International GmbH Poland Branch

Scott Newman, Vice-Président Exécutif chez State Street Bank International en Pologne : Responsabilités et Croissance

Scott Newman serves as the executive vice president, branch manager, and board member of State Street Bank International GmbH’s Poland branch. In this role, Scott is tasked with leading the local management team, driving business development, and ensuring governance. The Poland branch of State Street Bank International GmbH was founded in November 2007 and has experienced significant growth, offering services such as fund accounting, derivatives, securities valuation, hedge fund administration, and performance & analytics.

Scott Newman holds the position of senior vice president, managing director, and board member at State Street Bank GmbH’s Poland branch. In this capacity, Scott leads the local management team, oversees business development, and ensures effective governance within the organization. The State Street Poland branch, established in November 2007, has expanded to employ over 2,000 professionals. The branch provides services including fund accounting, derivatives, securities pricing, hedge fund administration, and performance and analytics to more than 190 clients through 10 State Street offices.

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